
My 9 year old sister is obsessed with "children?"?

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she has these ten tiny stufed animals and calls them her children. she builds beds for them, toys, and tiny little books and even jungle gyms. and the problem is she always uses my stuff for them. and she ALWAYS makes me play them with her or check on them even though i do it every day . it's as if theyre real children who actually need to be fed and cleaned and stuff. what do i do, she just asked me a few minutes ago




  1. She is just fascinated with being a 'Lil Mommy'! I remember when i was in that fase. I loved playing with my baby dolls, and having friends over so we could play house with them. Like, I'd share them and she'd live on one side of the basement, and I'd live on the other. And the stray toys everywhere, was our store... and yeah.... Good times.... But its just a fase. She'll get through it once time goes on.

  2. Its just a phase. Little girls are like that and its no big deal! Just tell her you don't want to. Just say no....

  3. It's a normal part of childhood. Don't worry about it :)

  4. It's normal. I did that when I was 7. Just ask her not to use your stuff to make her "kids" things :)

    And tell her that she should always be the one to check on her "kids", because she knows how to take care of them best.

    Hope I helped!

  5. it isn't always a phase, this past semester my freshman college roomate wrapped her stuffed puppy in my blanket and rocked it back and forth like it was a baby and tucked it in to sleep, etc, she did this for a few days too.  maybe she was stressed and went a lil crazy, i dunno

  6. Awh, you are lucky to have such an adorable sister! I love kids, but unfortunately I am an only child. =(

    She sounds like me when I was nine, I did silly things like that too. If it bothers you that she uses your stuff, how about you politely tell her that you would like it if she asked first. That would set a good example about sharing also.

    She is absolutely, 100 % normal.

  7. Well if you don't want her using your stuff find recycled things like cardboard boxes that he could use instead of using her things. Find away to include yourself from her games and tell her your busy, that is a little old. Just be glad she's not playing with you makeup and wearing your clothes.

  8. I used to play "school" with my stuffed animals, she's only 9 don't worry, if she was 19 then I would worry.

  9. i went thru that! perfectly normal. lil girls like to be like their mommies. they think its fun to be parents. they like babies. its ok, just do wat she asks u to do. it will make her happy, which should make u happy.

  10. Very normal. Motherly instincts often kick in early in little girls.

  11. You have a very creative little sister.  Perhaps you can go shopping with her to help her find some inexpensive stuff to build things for her children.  My sister and I used all kinds of stuff we found around the house to accessorize houses for our Barbies.   Maybe your sister could get some of her classmates to come over to help her with her children.

  12. well thats normal u can ignore her or say no and that will be good enough

  13. It's normal.  My 3rd graders would put on talent shows and set up animal clinics in the classroom for their Webkinz during free time.  Since it annoys you, invoke your Big Sister Right to snub her.  Tell her you're not into playing with stuffed animals anymore and that the two of you can play something you BOTH enjoy when she wants to spend some sisterly time together.

  14. She's nine years old...she just wants to play.But using your stuff isnt good.Just lock your room if you can.

  15. how old is she?? anyways its part of being a girl

    she pretends that they're her children cuz she probably likes playing mommy

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