
Is alessandro juliani, voiced of L in death note and felix gaeta in galactica, g*y?

by Guest21223  |  earlier

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is alessandro juliani, voiced of L in death note and felix gaeta in galactica, g*y?




  1. Why do you want to know? Is that important in any way?


    What does it have to do with Alessandro Juliani being g*y or not? As long as he does a good job... Or did you fell in love with his voice? ^.^

    But for that matter, I never heard about him being g*y, only saw rumours of Gaeta being g*y, maybe...

    But then again, I don't tend to care because it's not very likely I'll ever meet him...

    I just did a quick search on the matter but couldn't find a hint in any direction (maybe he's not famous enough...).


    Being a guy doesn't mean you can't fall in love with him... ^.^

  2. Alessandro Juliani has a long-term girlfriend, a Vancouver actress.  That doesn't necessarily mean he isn't g*y, but it cuts down on the probability.

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