
If a guy teases you, does that mean that he likes you?

by  |  earlier

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my sister is nine years old and wants to no. any other nine year olds can answer this so that i no, cuz i don't remember much from fifth grade...




  1. most likely at that age, if he's teasing a girl, he likes her and thats his way of showing it, cause he's still not sure how to treat her without lookin like an idiot, least thats what he thinks

  2. Sometimes times it means that the boy does like her (unless he bother other girls too) and other times it just means that they're too immature to actually tell her that he likes her.

  3. Your sister probably shouldn't be meeting guys at nine years old.

    But from a guy: No, I doubt it.  I only did that between kindergarten and second grade.  At that age, the boy-girl rivalries pretty much stop.

  4. Sometimes it does mean he likes you and sometimes boys are just jerks.

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