
How did Massachusetts get its name?

by Guest172  |  earlier

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  1. go on google.

  2. suck a p***s

  3. your mom knows

  4. idk

  5. The State of Massachusetts got its name from the Massachusetts Bay which was given its name by the Pilgrim Fathers who founded the Plymouth Colony in 1620. They named the Bay after the the Algonquian Indians whose name was derived from mass-adchu-seuck or 'people from the big hill'. The big hill was the group of hills known as the Blue Hills. The name was first recorded in writing in 1614 but without its present final s. Source = Brewer's Dictionary of Names

  6. from the massachusettss Bay which was given its name by the pilgrim Fathers who founded the
    plymouth Colony in 1620. they named the Bay affter the AlgonquionIndians whose name was drived from mass-adchu-seuck or "people from the big hill.

  7. i know dat

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