
Bitten by ants in spain can i clai m off holiday ins for treatment in spain?

by  |  earlier

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was bitten by ants in spain and believe me you so the photos you would cringe and doctors wouldnt put in hospital reports if not true so beware of ants they do bite and its painful i blotted to twice my size through there venom




  1. are you joking???? you must come from a lost part of England, if not i don't understand you say such silly thing.By the way ants don't bitte, are the mosquito!!!

  2. I would think that you could claim off of your holiday insurance if you received treatment.  Keep all receipts of treatment and medication received.  You will possibly have to pay the first £50, but anything over that will usually be covered by the insurance.

  3. jesus christ...

  4. put some of your own saliva on, don't make a big deal out of nothing,

  5. i believe you,because when we stayed at portinax,in ibiza a few years ago the same happened to us,we were on the fourth floor and the little bleeders were forming an army against us,we got bit a few times as they were getting in our towels that were drying on the balcony.but a couple who we got talking to,she looked as though she had the plague,theyd savaged her that bad? by all means get a claim in,have you saved all your receipts for medication etc,as the insurance company will want to see them,you got a doctors statement as well,if you have,not a problem...well what you waiting for...get your claim in?

  6. Honestly, don't start claiming anything from the hotel, because it is Spain, and you will face Spanish court etc. You will go crazy, even before you will start filing in your claim.

    Spain works different than other countries, so save your energy and thoughts.

  7. You should have had your E111 card to show to the hostpital then emergeny treatment is free and i think you will find its a condition of your insurance

  8. no you cant claim insurance for this, but i have never know the ant to bite just the mosquito's

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