
Where should I go in Patagonia?

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We're assembling an itinerary for Patagonia for November 2006. We're retired, travel with backpacks, like active vacations and do only independent travel. Have homed in on the penguin refuge on Isla Magdalena, hiking the "W" variant, Puerto Montt and Boriloche. Also considering the inside passage, Puerto Montt to Puerto Natales. Any other thoughts?





    there you have a nice site for patagonia, now im from there and i recommend you to go:

    1) playa union a very nice beach a lot of sun in november. here is the site

    2) punta tombo a lot of penguins, they are so cute

    3) puerto madryn and tevelin a nice combination of english tea, is called te gales and a lot of cakes.

    4) puerto chubut is a very nice port, and the secret is in the restaurant very very very good fish.

    then you can go to the regular places like, santa cruz, bariloche in november there is not much to see, i mean snow but if you like traking, mountain attraction do it.

    i think this is enough, check the site and find more about our beautiful patagonia.

  2. Do not forget "Glaciares Perito Moreno" Is a natural Damm to be seen, "Perito Moreno"

  3. Check with, for full details.

    And enjoy urselves !

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