
What does McCain plan on doing with immigration?

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Is he going to give illegal aliens a green card and citizenship?




  1. He probably would like to grant another amnesty, but he found out the hard way that doing so would be politically unwise.  He got burned badly in his last attempt.

    Obama is even more liberal concerning illegals.  Most dems can see that granting an amnesty would help them retain political  power as illegals have very low education levels, will never (as a group) make good money, and are far more likely to vote democrat for the freebies the dems promise.

    The taxpayers and the future generations are the ones that will suffer unless we can keep the open borders crowd in check.  This country will be at about 450 million in another 40 years without an amnesty and likely another 70-80 million with one (they will bring in all their relatives once allowed).

  2. McCain can't do anything just as Bush couldn't. It takes congress to reform immigration

  3. His, or even Obamas current stance is a little unclear.  They have dropped the subject.  Both are focusing more on terrorism, the economy, and the price of gas.  

    However, if the GoP stance is any indication, I wouldn't expect it.  If you want more info, CNN has a page for previous canidate stances on numerous issues, including immigration.  I pasted the link below.

  4. McCain an Obama both are ready to sing the law which will be sent to them by the new brand democrat congress which is expected to have a 58 to 42 majority in the senate and a much larger lead in the house of representatives , they had not dropped the ball they are focusing in all problems and Obama today had a reunion with several Hispanic representatives and senators from both sides of the aisle ( Dem and Rep ) to talk to them about any concerns they may have . by the way it was every anti-immigrant presidential candidate who learned the hard way what happens when instead of facing the problems of the Americans they decide to look for scapegoats to serious problems which are not even related to immigration , non of them was able to get more than a 5 % for anyone who may not be aware of such fact ! .

  5. It isn't clear.

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