
Ugh, please help, im freaking out?

by  |  earlier

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kay im starting highschool on tuesday..

but its not that im worried about.

in the beginging of grade 8 i transferred schools because of these 5 girls who made my life h**l. they turned basicly the whole school agaisnt me/

theres more to it then that but it ended with me attempting suicide.

so ive changed alot this year, i used to be SUCH a pushover and very quiet but now no one intimidates me..

well, except for them. i dont know why but i just get soso nervous thinking about seeing them. the orientation for my highschool is tomorrow and there all going and im even scared to go to that!

like right now i really feel like im about to cry.

i just dont know what to do,

i dont even know why i feel like this!


help please :(




  1. Its not like they're gonna start a fight in front of everybody. Just sit in front near teachers and they won't bother you.

  2. Just get a group of your friends together and hang with them. I bet they wont even say a thing to you. If they do then just walk away. DONT CRY. you will get more stressed. just ack like you arnt afraid of them and that you have gone on to bigger and better things

  3. Just ignore them, they obviously have nothing good going in there life so they feel the need to bring you down to make themselves feel better. Trust me I know it seems a long way off now, but once you graduate from school people like that are the one's you run into that made it nowhere in life. Just take the high road try to ignore them, if they make that impossible I would even suggest speaking with a teacher/guidance councelor at your school giving them a heads up on how these kids are being. I wouldn't worry about them hun, just keep your head up, don't cry, keep on smiling it might seem like its the worse thing in the world right now, but trust me one day you'll look back on this and laugh and think why did I even care what those people thought.  

  4. I have been suicidal and know that feeling. It is the worses feeling imaginable. I am also a freshman. started last week. I was TERRIFIED since I was acting stupid with all the seniors and stuff when I saw them in middle school. Well things turned out fine. Everyone says high school is different-IT REALLY IS! The upperclassmen might tease you alittle but they have to you're a freshman. But then they are nice since you are in high school now "not just a little annoying rat in middle school anymore" That is what I was told by a senior why they are nicer to us now. As for the 5 girls. They are freshman too. They are no longer at the top of the high school food chain! They will probably be teased too. and They might have grown up too. Teasing like that is just so immature. And in high school you don't just have classes with freshman so you will have older kids around to tease them too. You just need to make it known that you won't take it. Try to make a friend who is a junior or senior. And after a friend ship is established tell them. usually they will handle it but don't make it seem like you are "telling" on them to some other kid. Sorry if none of this makes any sense lol but if you want more info on how the first few days of high school are and all of that feel free to email me. or just any other help about those girls even if you just give me an email address I will bug the h**l out of them!(I do that to mean people like that) Good luck!

  5. Hon,noone can make you feel intimidated. You know what you need to do? You need to get suma ttitude. Those biatches can go %^&*(. They cant control you and they cant make you feel uncomfortable now. You will go that orientation tomorrow, rock a$$u  & strut down to your school enter the school keep you head held high. Also, make sure you wear nice clothes and apply a good amount of makeup. Plus don't look at them until they look at you. And when they look at you, look at them sharply no glare make a facew as if they r loozerss. And look away then enjoy urself during the orientation,.

    GOOD LUCK noone can make u feel intimadated.

    Girls can b such ******

  6. You walk in with your head high and your shoulders back.  Body language is the first sign to somebody how you feel about yourself or a situation.  If they look at you, you look right back at them till your eyes burn.  Even if you are scared, if you LOOK scared, that gives them more reason to punk on you.  Get a couple of friends with you (even guy friends).  Bullies tend to back down when they know they have to deal with more than one person.

  7. i know what ur feeling like i use to feel the same way

    get new friends

    i cryed sunday night (i started skool mon) and it was soo much better than i thought it would be dont worry

    everyone is here for you

    e me

    i just started 9th

    if u have a question or w.e

  8. My first day of highschool

    I was completely


    And it was actually OKAY.

    stick with a huge group of your friends, try not to sit near those girls and not make eye contact with them.

    Always stick with your bestfriend, if you dont have one , you will find one in highschool (: everyone does.

    If your really uncomfortable, you can tell your counselor your story and make it so that your classes are with people you know  and not them :]

    Dont worry about anything <3

    Tough times dont dont last but tough people do .

    Keep your head up, :]

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