
Should I try to refelt my pool table myself or hire someone?

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Should I try to refelt my pool table myself or hire someone?




  1. hire someone to do so

  2. Oh man, get a pro.  I have tried that before and it was a disaster.  Save yourself the grief.

  3. Go to . They give complete instructions on refelting and anything else you want to do to a pool table. If your still not sure that you can handle the job hire a pro. Go to your local pool hall and get a recommendation on who to hire. Either way , do yourself a big favor and do not buy cheap cloth. It will not last long and you will have to do it all over again. I recommend Simonis or Championship cloth. With proper precautions and treatment Simonis will play great and last a good long time. Good luck to ya.

  4. When in doubt...contract it out.

  5. since you are asking.....hire someone to do it

  6. Do it yourself provided that you know what to do and how to do it right. Otherwise hire someone who's fit for the task

  7. Hire a pro..they not only re-felt your table, they will also check the table lining, cushion and balancing...

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