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Teachers in eastern europe countries say that they dont seem to have trouble getting srudents to do homework as american teachers do . is there some fundamental difference in character between american and eastern european students? if european economies developed would teachers in europe have the same problems of unfinished homeowork as american teachers?




  1. Predictable? We're spoiled and think the world owes us.

    Reality? Education is more important to people who have less.

  2. -------the truth-----------------------------------...

    American problem with school, is it is socialized. We unconstitutionally get billed for $110,000,000,000.00 per year for schooling.

    American students in general are pushed through the system, not to accomplish, but to simply move on. The state pays the school for this, the state punishes if the teacher needs more time to teach the student.


    the predictable answer----------------------------------...

    Americans are too busy eating balls of transfats and twinkies in class, listening to rap repetition, and have no time for learning history. besides, learning history is a threat to the state.


  3. Teachers in Eastern Europe do more teaching and hand out less home work. US teachers think an average of 3 hours a night is good, but it's to much and it doesn't help the kids learn, only wears them out.

    Europeans don't work nearly as hard as those in the US, they take more me time and don't push nearly as hard at work. They do the same with their students.

    The teachers Union in the US has caused a mentality of less teaching, more parental responsibility, which doesn't work. Most parents are not qualified teachers, so they can't really help all the time. They also don't get paid for it, the schools and teachers do, so they should do their jobs, not put them off on anyone else.

    Private Schools in the US have a much higher rate of success, do it with much less money on average, and much less time in school, with much less home work.

    What is the difference? Private School teachers are pros, while public school teachers have become bureaucrats who do as little as possible for as much money as possible for the effort. They treat the children not like the clients they are, but as cattle, a means to an end. That is why the schools are going to heck in a hand basket in the US, despite having more and more spent on them. They have become Union, Government wasteful institutional wastes of tax payer money.

    Business always works better than government, because there is incentive and competition. Without that all you get is the garbage we get from the school systems in the US today.

  4. Current American school curriculam dates back to the 1830's when children were let out during the summer months not to spend them in Malibu or Fort Lauderdale.....but to help during crop seasons.

    I graduated high school in '69, and my Son used to bring home school books that were the SAME as the ones I used.

    European students are more aware of world situations, and can name their own Presidents!!

    European families are more close knit, (as we used to be), and less materialistic than American students. We are a SPOILED and SELFISH nation living off our Frailed Laurels, but what the %&$#, we all have a Mercedes!!

  5. The problem in America is apathy , noone cares, parents , some teachers , students , no one seems to really care about education , but in Europe and the Asian countries , education is stressed and stressed highly by the parents in each family even to the point of disowning their kids if they do not make it to college . They go to school 6 days a week and in the case of a yung

    german boy who came to America so he could learn the language better , he laughed at his schedule here because he said it was so easy that he had to do very little if any studying here . He said that in Germany , he would have at least triple the work that he has here and have it daily to finish by the next day .

    We have let our schools get away from us , no discipline because we can not touch the little darlings and the kids and the parents run the schools in America . It is a shame , but it is the truth

  6. It really all comes down to apathy.  Most people in America have little appreciation for education.

    Also, culture plays a huge role. Here, many teenagers view pop idols as what is good.

    Third, our culture looks down on innovation, creativity, and non-conformity. In school, to disagree with teh teacher on anything will get you in trouble, so there is no desire to question or to learn more.

    Mainly though, it is a combination of the cushy society, and lack of desire of learning that leads to having such a poor education system.

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