
I need an idea for what to do with my friends...?

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I am 16 years old and a junior in high school. on the weekends we either hang out or go to a party. in one of the upcomimg weekends i would like to do something different. i was thinking a semi formal dinner party where like a group of us cooked then others came over and we all ate it. would this be fun? do you have any other ideas? or like good party themes that i could do at my house? (my parents are really strict i could never get away with alcohol, we have to go else where to do that, plus we do that almost every weekend, and i want to do something else for once!) please help i need ideas!




  1. I am 22 and i am able to drink but i must say some of the most fun i have had with my friends have been without drinking.  The dinner party for sure is a great idea.  My friends and i did a dinner party where u all dress up.  Also game night are fun (pictionary-i know it sounds lame but its fun), you could also do a dare night..its hilarious...u all write down dares put them in a hat then go around your town picking them and doing them.  Im sure u will figure out something fun.  I must say it is nice once in a while to have some good sober fun where u remember what u did!!! Good luck!

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