
How Makbera differs from Samadhi?

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In the mamory of beloved Islam follower built bui

tyfull structure called Makbera like SIkandra in Agra ( INDIA)

Samadhi of Gandhi at RAJ GHAT NEW DELHI.




  1. Samadhi (Sanskrit: समाधि) is a Hindu and Buddhist technical term that usually denotes higher levels of concentrated meditation, or dhyana, in Yogic schools, and is considered a precursor for enlightenment, or Nirvana, in Buddhism. It is the eighth and final limb of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, and comprises the pinnacle of achievements in Samyama, the three-tiered practice of meditation including also dharana and dhyana. It has been described as a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object, and in which the mind becomes still (one-pointed or concentrated) though the person remains conscious.

    Within Hinduism there are other uses of the term. Sahaj samadhi is the effortless and continual state of perfection.[3] Samadhi can also refer to the mausoleum of a saint, or spiritual leader.

    A MAQUBERA is always belongs to musalman the follower of Islam. The dead body is buried in it. Generally its a huge structure. For example: Taj Mahal, Humayun ka Maqubera etc. In english Maqubera is a Tomb. In medieval Indid they were widely constructed through out India by Emperors. In modern India their construction is not in practise.

    Both are constructed in the memory of the person who had died. There people pay respect to them. Both the places are holly for Indians and they are equally visited with great respect by all the communities, whatever their religion may not be.

  2. Let me explain MAQUBERA first.

    A MAQUBERA is always belongs to  musalman the follower of Islam. The dead body is buried in it. Generally its a huge structure. For example: Taj Mahal, Humayun ka Maqubera etc. In english  Maqubera is a Tomb. In medieval Indid they were widely constructed through out India by Emperors. In modern India their construction is not in practise.

    A samadhi belongs to a Hindu, where he was cremated and his ashes are kept. It is a squire shaped platform, under which the remains are kept. Examples Gandhi samadhi (Raj Ghat), Nehru samadhi (Shantivam) etc.

    They both are constructed in the memory of the person who left us forever. Here we pay our respect to them.

    Both the places are holly for Indians and they are equally visited with great respect by all the communities, whatever their religion may not be.

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