
Getting around in New Zealand for working holiday?

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and i'm planning my first trip there doing volunteer farm work like wwoof or this is where you go to different hosts homes and help them out in exchange for accomodation/meals

it looks like i'll be in new zealand in late november staying till febuary, and i'll be going it alone, so i'm gonna have to do a lot of research. for now, i was wondering if you can give me some tips on getting around over there. i'm planning on visiting at least a hand full of different hosts, but it would be kinda hard if i couldn't get my way out of the auckland airport!

so i've been considering buying a cheap car while i'm there... and then selling it before i leave. could this be feasable? are there any resources you might know of? i guess i have to do something like that, as i wouldn't want to burden any of my hosts by having them pick me up from bus stations and such.

any websites, articles, or resources of any kind would be greatly appreciated .




  1. Just came back from living in NZ for 3 months.  Getting around in NZ is easy.

    Most people in NZ are crazy friendly and go the extra mile - if you're a volunteer backpacker, chances are they'll have no problems picking you up at bus stations.  But if you want more advice...

    Some thoughts on buying a car:  You'll end up paying a lot for gas.  It's expensive there (but I'm American).  I know a lot of people who sold their cars for more than they bought it for.  The trick is to buy a car off someone who NEEDS to sell before they leave the country.  Everyone's friendly, so if you talk to someone selling their car, figure out their situation and leverage it.

    In Auckland, there's and also (NZ's ebay equivalent).  And if you stay in ACB or Base or a major Auckland hostel (or heck, any hostel) there are postings for cars-for-sale.

    ALSO - important: if you're going to the South Island, it costs a TON to put your car on the interislander ferry.  It usually makes sense to sell it in Wellington, and buy a new one in Picton or wherever you end up.  Especially if you're traveling alone.

    Other options to get around:

    Cheap options:  

    1) If you know where you're going - the absolute cheapest way to go is to book early on  It's not fancy, but you can go between major towns/cities for $1 if you book soon enough.

    2) You can TOTALLY hitchhike in New Zealand.  People are hesitant to recommend it for obvious reasons, but I'm telling you from experience: it's VERY safe.  Heck, I know people who ended up getting taken in, fed, and put up for a night!

    3) In hostels, there are postings of other travelers looking for company in their cars (to save on gas).  Chances are you'll make great friends with these people.  You'll see that's how NZ works.

    Moderate options:

    4) Intercity Bus is basically you're standard bus service.  It's semi-cheap, and boring - but it'll get you around.


    5) Kiwi Bus and Stray Bus tours are awesome if you need to get around - they're pricey however, but you can hop and off, complete your journey in Auckland/Christchurch (wherever you fly out of), meet people, see the country, and have a great time.  Kiwi = party.  Stray = slightly less party.

    I just got back from 10 countries, and none were as easy as NZ to get around in.  So, no worries.  This is a long response... heh, you're lucky I'm bored!

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