
You would like to see a whole saltfish head and body?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes show me saltfish head

  2. yes i would like to see it

  3. yes

  4. yes

  5. yes

  6. why is it that no one who can honestly answer this question,is afraid to show the actual picture of this creature?

  7. Yes, that would be so so vlomtius! aka AWESUUUUM!

  8. yes i would like to see it

  9. yes

  10. yes

  11. yes i do.

  12. definately yes

  13. yes

  14. yes i would love it

  15. yes

  16. yes

  17. yes i would like to see saltfish head and body

  18. yes

  19. yes!

  20. yes

  21. Yes, I would.

  22. yes

  23. yes please

  24. yes please

  25. yes please i would love too i was told it is similar in looks to a humans head

  26. yes please i would love too i was told it is similar in looks to a humans head

  27. yes

  28. yes

  29. yes i would love to see it

  30. yes i would for a very important home work

  31. yes

  32. yes

  33. yes

  34. yes

  35. yes

  36. yes

  37. yes

  38. yes

  39. Yes i would like to see a whole saltfish head and bodyVHyia

  40. yes i would like to see a whole saltfish head and body

  41. yes please

  42. erm...ive heard thata saltfish head looks quite human but ive never seen a saltfish head before it true? and do u know a website that will give me proof?

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