
What do skinheds in Moscow look like?

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hi, im abdul fram sudan, im comeing to moscow in few days, i want to know wot skin heads in mosco look l**k? i dun't want my family hurt as i herd these ppl vary bud!




  1. They look like any other skinheads through Europe.You can tell by their clothing and shaved head.Sometimes I've seen the regular doc martin boots (combat boots) with red shoe laces.You'll be okay,it's not as bad as you think and if you stay out of 'skinhead neighborhoods' you will be fine.I don't see you or your family touring through any side streets and unknown dark neighborhoods.

  2. Moscow skinheds look like Britain skinheads.

    Do not be afraid, not so much as the press writes.

    For example, I have more than a year, they openly on the streets had not seen.

  3. They are usually young people (14-20 years old)

    Shaved heads, usually (but not always) wear leather boots, leather or just black jackets. They usualy hang around by groups, so if you see group of young boys looking like that

    try to stay away.

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