
What are the impact that chinese traditional medicine have today?

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What are the impact that chinese traditional medicine have today?




  1. Traditional Chinese Medicine has passed along a lot of information about what many good herbs can help with, which helps millions of people world-wide to help prevent many common problems (by addressing the cause of the problem) that "conventional medicine" tends to just throw a prescription at (which just treats the symptom).

    On the negative side, there are some people that may rely on it to treat an illness or a condition that they have let lapse too long, which is not what it was intended to do.

  2. It convinces sick people in need of help to waste their money on the pipe dream that ginger and acupuncture can cure anything wrong with them.  In this manner it decreases the overall health of the population and puts people at greater risk of serious consequences from waiting to get real treatment.

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