
Teen love and friendship advice pls??!?

by  |  earlier

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this will have to be quick. Im 16, told a friend 2 years ago that i loved her as we got on really well. I went on a bit too much, she now doesn't speak to me but is getting slightly better. I am more over her now but i saw her today and i just still feel in love with her still, really badly, i txt her after i saw her today telling her that i still love her and she hasnt txt bk but i wasnt expecting her to. She doesn't like me in that way and hasnt spoken to me for ages. I would do ok as friends, she knows all this etc, so its not about making her like me or any advice on that, i dont need that. Its just i feel i love her so much, i always look at her face and her lovely eyes and she makes me feel so nice inside and she is so cute and sweet. I don't want her to get a bf at college in september as i love her but i cant choose what she does. I just dont know what to do because im some ways there is no point loving her but i really really do like u would never belive.

it just feels so strong, and would make my life heaven if she ever went out with me.

any advice on my life of ruined love?




  1. Well just concentrate in ypur studies and career first and take these things a bit latter or lesser.............if u have strong career and job you can get any girl you want.........

    but if u can not still help you out than just try your best to convance her and involve your mutual friends in this matter!

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