
Peaceful ways of getting a message out there?

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I'm doing an opinion article on PETA, and I'm writing about their extremism. I wrote about some of the things they do to get their message out there, and in order to make my point more clear, I would like to know of better ways of getting a message out there than the way PETA does it. More peaceful ways. Basically, I'd like to know how you can peacefully get a message out there about the suffering of animals, without being too radicial. I realize the truth is the only way to make people understand animal suffering, but I know there should be a better way to get the truth out there than sloshing red paint on animal fur or showing children graphic pictures of slaughtered animals. And please do not criticize this.




  1. expose` ..   the puppy mill thing really hit home after i saw it on oprah.   horrible horrible horrible..

  2. They can send out pictures of cute endangered animals to people and talk about how there going extinct.

  3. I found an interesting documentary about food consumption in large cities like hong kong, china and new york, usa

    apparently the 'fast food' in china is still fresh food, they kill the chicken right there at the restaurant ... they still buy live chickens and fish at the market ... they eat allot of rice  and not very much frozen food ... and there are not many fat people in china

    in the US we have McDonalds on every corner, and most restaurants cook frozen meats and poultry ... everything is on growth hormone and processed ... and if theres a restaurant out there that still kills their own chickens I'm not aware of it ... Americans would be appalled by the idea, yet we are politically correct about those that challenge the effects of mass vs. gravity

    our government and our media certainly aren't helping ... capitalism doesn't care about your health (unless there's money in it)

    I'm a mid-west meat and potatoes man myself

    but what struck me was how horribly we treat the animals we eat here in the US ... and I think in the media blitz we lose site of the fact that organizations like PETA want better meat for meat eaters as well

  4. There is a TV commercial by the SPCA that shows dogs and cats in the pound that works wonders. My Wife adopted 9 cats because of it.

  5. all I know is show a whole bunch of the truth on tv.America is based on tv so that may get to people.

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