
Nose piercing help >.<?

by  |  earlier

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Right, So I had my nose pierced about 4 weeks ago, and I have a labored stud in it. I have school tommorow, so I bought a clear labored nose stud to change it to. So I took my old silver labored out, and attempted to put the clear one in, But I cant get either of the studs through the inside of my nose, becasue I cant find the hole. When I did manage to get the clear one through, i realized it was too short and didn't come totally through my nose. Now my nose has started to swell because of all the touching. Any advice or help?!?!?! Thankies




  1. put a ring back in , to short or not , or it could close on you and that would suck , put some ice on it for a while (5 mins off 5 mins on repeatedly) then try put the other one in , if its a fresh piercing , it will inflame very easily. Make sure to keep everything you touch it with very clean to avoid infection and try not to push and prod to much. Once the majority of the swelling has gone down , you should be able to get the stud through again.

  2. 4 weeks is much to soon to be changing jewelry. You may be able to save your piercing if you go back to your piercer and have them try to re-insert the jewelry with an insertion taper. They may not be able to do it since it&#039;s swollen and been out for a while. You may have to let it heal and have it redone.

    Next time, if you know you need to hide the piercing, ask to have it pierced with a quartz or pyrex retainer (acrylic is too porous for initial jewelry and is not meant for long term wear). You will not be able to switch back and forth between jewelry, but you will have a piercing and be able to hide it.

    By the way, it&#039;s a labret post.

  3. it might be infected.

    put peroxide on it fer a little bit.

    then put baby oil on yer nose.

    that will help it slide threw easily.

    gooood luckk [[:

  4. wash it with hot water and anti bacterial and soak it 10 minutes maybe 4 times a day with salt water solution......its ahrd to change a nose stud and in the little amount of time its been pierced that will make it even harder.....

  5. The best thing that you can do is call over to the place that pierced it for you and let them know what has happened. They will either tell you what to do or ask you to come in. I had to do that with a couple of my piercings.

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