
My age Is 18 Years & 8 Months My p***s Is 5.11 Inches Is it normal Size? Is It Grows more....???

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My age Is 18 Years & 8 Months My p***s Is 5.11 Inches Is It Grows more....??? If Yes Then How Much or You Can Say When p***s Stops Growing??? And Please Tell Am is It Normat Size With Respect Of My Age....??? Sorry For My poor English Thanks




  1. Yes it is fine. Average in fact. It might grow a bit more... fill out more like it. If it does it will get maybe a quarter or half an inch bigger.  

  2. you are rather old to be asking this immature question. it is normally asked by 12 year olds.


  3. ur already average for an adult (a little more than average, actually, since the average adult length is 5.5 inches about)

  4. Your p***s has a normal average size:so there is nothing to worry about.Even when it does not grow longer.You will be fine


  5. You are very average and big enough to please a woman.  You may have a little growth in the next 2-3 years, but you're ok if you don't.  Don't worry about this - you are normal.

  6. Average size for the p***s of an ADULT male is 5.4 to 6.2 inches and approximately 76% of all males are within this size range.  Only 12% are smaller, and only 12% are larger than 6.2 but of course most men lie about their height and p***s length.  Anyone purporting to have a monster 8 incher or so is most likely smaller than you.   At 18 you are probably fully grown, and the p***s actually reaches its full adult size in the mid teens.

  7. It is Normal size. Normally, and contrary to majority belief, p***s length growth ends at around 16 years of age. Past this, when you see your organ growing, it is more likely due to lessening of fat in the pubic region. Artificial p***s lengthening is also another way to get it growing.

    Other than that, 16 years is it.

  8. Honey, yours is PERFECT ! Feel free to write me and discuss it further. That is if you really are 18

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