
Letting a 13 year old get a nose stud.

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my daughter wants to get her nose peirced. she wants a stud. i will probably allow her to i just need to make sure there arent any huge risks that may affect her life negatively. she is 13. i know about infections and that she must clean it very often. i will help her do that and get her to do it everyday until its programmed into her head. so are there any larger risks? is there anything else i should know? what would you say and why? thank you.




  1. 1) I own a major corp...would not put my money in your pocket representing me that way.

    2) Some peoples holes dont close later in life PROMISE.

    3) Parents when you make a child you are telling nature, God, or yourself that you are ready to be responsible for the positive developement of another life force, if they fail you fail, and just like you get setback in school... you get setback in life, until you get it right....sooo now they keep coming back to your basement do to a poor foundation, you think your job is to give your child what you didnt have so you work all day and let t.v. teach your kids whats right.(which is what I am selling). then they growup just failing, over, and over again, in life and love. then you say well they are grown now so its not your responsibility, WRONG, you didnt finish your job, in fact you lead them astray.

    This is so common.. its like taxes, to me you are an adult when you are out here paying high taxes like the rest of us. WHEN YOU DONT NEED MY SIGNATURE. Statistics dont lie, time doesnt lie, everything in life leads you down a path, a different path. You put it in your nose, and you WILL i promise..alter your future.


  2. i am 13 and my mom is letting me get it done i dose not look trasgy at all all any my sister got it done and she got a new job yesterday with the piercing nothing is wrong as long as it is clean, nice, and SHE likes it

  3. I think a nose stud makes any woman young or old look trashy, any piercing on the face of a woman tends to throw off the natural beauty that women have, most women today do it because they feel it's fashion and everybody's doing it, women need to start being them self and stop following stupid trends.

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