
Is this meant to be good? ?

by Guest63175  |  earlier

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I am 14 yrs old and people think i am like 16 years old because "i look older"? is that menat to be good or not? today i plated my hair and people were like that i look way older than i really am is that meant to be good or not please explain, thanks




  1. Yeah, I agree with Nikki, when I was younger, all I wanted to do was to look older (didn't help that all the crushes I had was on older guys), and well, I wanted to sneak into the clubs (not that you should do that!) So it's a good thing, I suppose, dependind on what you want.

    But now that I'm in my late twenties, I go over the moon when someone tells me I look like I'm 25.

  2. yer i think its a good thing :)

    depends which wat you take it personally  

  3. It is not good or bad, not all people look the same and some people are sucky age-guessers.

  4. it's a good thing mainly because of guys. most 14 year old girls go for guys slightly older than them. I'm 15 and i aim for guys a year or 2 older. and if you look slightly older then you can mix with those guys without looking out of place.

  5. Mostly its  a negative remark but it completely depends on the way the person told u this or the way u took it . Maybe the person didn't actually mean it! :)

    Hope that helps!

  6. well it might be a compliment now (most younger girls want to look older..dont know why) but when your older say 30, do you still want to look older? So i dont think its a good thing..only good if your the kind of person who wants to sneak into clubs

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