
Is The last name Margolis Greek?I was wondering,please tell me ,they were from lesvos.?

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Is The last name Margolis Greek?I was wondering,please tell me ,they were from lesvos.?




  1. Many of the Margolis in the census came from Russia and Austria.

    Have you researched your particular Margolis?

    Without names or dates, it would be difficult for us to research where they came from.

  2. There are a lot of names, including Margolis, that track to more than one country. Yes, the name is Greek because it belonged to a whole lot of Greeks and Turks. What needs to be remembered is that St Cyril and St Methodius took Greek into Eastern Europe. Much of the linguistics of those countries (and Russia, too) is based on Greek, just as much as our language has strong Latin roots.

  3. Margolis/Margulis, From the French name Marguerite from a lower Latin female name

    Margarita, Perl. The Ashkenzic variation is Magolis or Margulis or even Margolies/Margulies.  It is predominately an ornamental name.

    ( Hodges and Hanks, 1998). Smith lists it as of Hebrew,

    Ukrainian, or Russian origin meaning descendant of Margolis,

    a form of Margaret, Pearl. (Smith, 1988.)


    Jewish (from Ukraine and Poland): variant of Margolis. Jewish (from Belarus, Lithuania, and northeastern Poland): from the female personal name Margolis, meaning ‘pearls’ in Hebrew. The Hebrew word is ultimately of Greek origin, as in Greek margaron, margarites ‘pearl’

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