
If you have oily skin...which foods should you be avoiding?

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apart from the obvious greasy foods!




  1. I don't think what you eat would effect your skin type in any way so i dont think you need to avoid any  

  2. No foods make your skin more oily. Try using a face wash designed for oily skin and also use an oil control moisturiser.

  3. idkk, just eat crackers, and fruits.

  4. Food doesn't really have any affect on the complexion of your skin type.

  5. foods really shouldn't affect your skin in that way even the obvious greasy ones

    just make sure your  drinking water and washing your face twice a day and at the end of washing your face splash it with cold water

  6. Any kind of food affecting your complexion is 100% myth.

    Ask any dermatologist.

    The myth with greasy foods causing acne started because ppl dont realize how much they touch their face, even while eating greasy foods. Its the contact from greasy hands that causes acne, not greasy foods in the digestional tract.

  7. I have oily skin and there are no foods that you can avoid that will make your skin less oily. Your best bet is to get into a good skin routine. Make sure that the products that you buy are for oily skin; if you pick up products that are for a different skin type like dry then it's going to make your skin want to moisten and will only speed up your oil glands. Another tip, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, not diet soda or juice, but water. Good  Luck!!!

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