
I am starting grade 8 and haven't gotten my period is that a bad thing?

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I am just starting grade 8 and haven't gotten my period but some of my friends have gotten it already in grade 7, is there something wrong with me?




  1. no there is nothing wrong a lot of people do not start until the age 15 so don't worry

  2. There's nothing wrong at all. I didn't get mine until after I started 8th grade.  

  3. Getting period as late as possible , is the best dude and you'll soon realize that, so don't worry pal !

  4. No.

    Everybody matures at different times.

  5. not at all. i got my when i just finished 5th grade now i am going into 11th and my friend still has yet to get hers. dont worry.

  6. i got mine like 9th or 10th grade and i was worried before too.

    i know people tell you that "you're lucky you don't have it" and stuff but inside you feel that there might be something wrong.

    Don't Worry. It'll come when it wants to come. Aunt Flow is kind of crazy sometimes.  

  7. No, some people are late blomers and don't start until 15 or 16 years old.

  8. no but theres something wrong with alexxis.

  9. nope... im going to to 9th grade and i didnt get it yet.

    actually, i think i might have gotten it this morning.  im not really sure.  i just asked a question about it.

  10. Nope, there is nothing wrong with you.  I didn't get my period until I was in 11th grade.  If your concerned you can always talk to you doctor.  Sometimes not having accumulated enough body fat can cause you to not start your period.  But don't worry, your only in 8th grade and you should be thankful that you dont have to deal with it yet every month :) Everybody is different and when it's time your body will let you know.

  11. All girls get their periods at different times. You've probably learned in health class that it depends on the hormonal levels in your body, weight, and many other factors. Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough. Enjoy the time you don't have to worry about it! :)

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