
How long after you took the abortion pill?

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did it take for your pregnancy test to start showing up negative, or how long does it take for all the hormones to leave?




  1. The "abortion pill" doesn't end a pregnancy that can already be detected.  All it can do is prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine wall.   It's only effective up to about 72 hours after intercourse.  If you were already detectably pregnant, it's unlikely that it will have any effect.

  2. The abortion pill has to be prescribed I believe so thats a question you could ask your doctor.

    Edit: Are you talking about the morning after pill or an actual abortion?

  3. You'd have to ask the doctor who prescribed it for you.  I think it's different for every woman.  It depends how far along you were and what your HCG levels were before you took the pill.  It shouldn't take long because they only offer those pills when you are fairly early.  

    Raina that is teh plan b pill, that is a contraceptive pill (basically birth control) NOT an abortion pill.  There is an actual abortion pill and that is what she is talking about.

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