
How hot is italy is august ....

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how hot is italy ( lake garda ) in august ? thanks x




  1. You'd better avoid Italy in August cos is too hot and crowded

  2. very hot. almost 40°

  3. fabulously hot 30 plus

  4. I am an italian girl and I can say you that it's very hot...

    The temperature is around  30 degrees but the problem is the sultriness that ago to feel 40 degrees (it's not a hot dry)

  5. In Italy in August is very hot. Avoid towns.

  6. from 29° celsius until 37° sometimes ...  

  7. late 28'c to mid 30s very nice

  8. about 27° C....

  9. I have been going there for 30 years. It is usually between 30-35 degrees celcius. It can be very humid by the sea on in city centres. Lake Garda should be the same temp but you'll have a mountain breeze hopefully.

  10. during the day could reach 37/38 C during the night will drop to 22/23 C

  11. go to one of the weather websites - yahoo has a nice one- and you can select the city nearest to where you're interested and get a weather update each day

  12. is hot as in northerm california

  13.   It's too hot at the moment but if you are going to L.G. it's probably the best place to be.

      Most Italians go to the sea or mountains to cool off in August because the city/towns are unbarable.

      Have a good time.



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