
Hitchhicking South America: experiences?

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Where did you go, who picked you up, what were your experiences?




  1. Considering South America has the highest kidnapping rate in the entire world, it would be a fairly STUPID thing to do there, but don't worry Mexico is trying their best to beat them .

  2. dont do it!!!!!!

    sometimes you are lucky sometimes you are not.

  3. It was 1971.  A beat up old VW.  About 7 hippies jumped out and I ran.  I was very young.  I felt total terror.  First and last time I did this.

  4. I cycled through South America a few years ago and didn't have a single problem except for getting chased by dogs. I went South to North from Argentina to Cartagena in Colombia. Met lots of peple coming the other way too, also on bikes. Most of them had started out in Alaska and were headed down to Ushaia, which is at the southern tip of Argentina.

    I spend a lot of time in Central America now and when i want to go somewhere i set off walking and normally within ten minutes i've either got a lift with someone or am on the bus. I find that people are much more ready to give rides in Latin America than at home, and the busses stop anywhere to pick more people up rather than just at the official bus stops.

    I'm sure there are lots of people out there who haven't been so lucky... It will be interesting to read more responces to this one...

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