
Getting iphone text messages on vibrate only?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i just got a new iphone, and i'm trying to figure out a couple things re: text messaging.

1) if i have my text messenger set to no sound, and the phone is on vibrate, the phone won't vibrate when i get a text. but if i set it to a sound and on vibrate, it'll do the sound alert AND vibrate... any way to get it to vibrate without having to have a sound as well? is my phone just weird?

2) when a text message comes in, the actual message shows up on the main screen. so if my phone is sitting on a counter, the message will pop up and anyone can see it. anyway to turn that off?

thanks for any tips or answers! :)




  1. 1.


    Turn the ringer switch on the side to ringer OFF...

    Now when you get a text message or phone call your phone will vibrate.  A really cool/weird thing is after a while you'll start to get psychologically induced phantom vibrates.


    Lock your phone.  If it's unlocked it's free game.

    Settings->General->Autolock->Pick a time, generally a minute

    Passcode Lock-> ON

    I think that's how you do it.

    Good luck and enjoy your new phone.

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