
Exercise and weight loss?

by  |  earlier

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i've lost over 14lb and i have done it in six weeks so my diet is working but i want to start exercising. what is the best exercise for weight loss?

i have a membership for fitness first and i have a trampoline and punch bag at home. help me?




  1. Running long distances is the best way to lose weight. Run 3 miles a day, or more if you are fit.

  2. can u plz tell me how u did it cuz im trying everything plz???

    and running and swimimg r the best  cuz they work all ur muscles

  3. Any vigorous exercise that is done for 60-90 minutes daily, this should be done in CONJUNCTION with a healthy reduced calorie diet

  4. pilates?

  5. You need to do at least 30 minutes of good cardio exercise (eg jogging, cycling) a day as well as strength training to build up muscle 2-4 times a week.

    We need muscle in order to burn fat. Muscle is a very active tissue, so it burns fat even while resting. Every pound of muscle you have will burn 50 extra calories per day. So strength training (eg weights) is also a must.

    If you burn more calories than you take in (achieved through a healthy eating plan), build up muscle through strength training and complete 30 minutes of solid cardio a day then weight loss is a certainty.

    Check out the following site for good fat burning exercises.

    Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

  6. when my dad was 26 he was hevy now he has changed just eat tuna and spinach every night for a week and u will lose at least 15 to 17 grand ma also is on a diet she exercises and she runs track at north medford and comes back happier try going to a track or a field and running untill u get tired......your welcome

  7. If you want to BURN FAT and not just calories... you absolutely have to add cardio into your workout plan. It doesn't have to be long either. It can be as little as 15-20 minutes. If you'd like to start out as a beginner with a less intense, low impact, but effective cardio workout to start with, since you are a member at a gym, try the excercise bike for 15-20 minutes a day. Or you could space it out to three or four times a week. Once you get in the rhythm of that, and you're ready to step it up for a more challenging workout that's even more effective, you can try the elliptical machine with the same plan. That uses a full range of motion, and requires more effort. The next step I would say is hitting the treadmill or just jogging on concrete.

    Don't rush into increasing your intensity of your workouts, go at your own pace. And by the way the trampoline would be great for your legs (thighs and butt). The punching bag would be great if you wanted to tone your arms as you lose the weight off of them, but I wouldn't recommend you use it very often, unless you wanna look ripped like Serena Williams. It's up to you.

    I hope I helped a bit.

  8. Go to the gym and use the cross trainer. It burns as many calories as running but running can do your knees in if you do too much. You can also watch TV (if the gym has them) or read a mag while cross training so you don't get too bored.

    Careful on the punch bag cos that can knack your wrists if you don't get your punching technique right.

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