
Drawing Demonic Energy....?

by  |  earlier

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There was a ritual my cousin discovered via web about drawing demonic energy, the result was:-( No nightmares, No illusions) - Exessive explosive momentum & feelings

- Difficult temperament

- Intense heat

- Veins enlargement

- Muscle growth

- evilish feeling

- And unatrual sudden bursts of strength,




  1. Sounds like steroids

  2. What's the question?

  3. No Wiccan magick involves anything "demonic". There is no evil in Wicca (Wicca is a Earth based religion and has no h**l or Satan or anything of that sort) and anyone who says otherwise has no clue what they are talking about. A true Wiccan does nothing to harm others (the Wiccan Rede: Harm none and do as ye will) and if they do choose to try it will come back to them thrice the force. So what you describe happened may have been the energy that was trying to be sent out being sprung back at the sender three times as hard as it was sent because the person who was sending it thought they were doing something harmful (and not allowed). I may be wrong but it's just a thought.

  4. I've been a practicing Wiccan/Witch for the past 20+ years and can safely assure you that Wiccans/Witches do not conjure up demons.  We use our magick to protect the Earth and every living creature.

    Concerning "the rite of Azrael" - Azrael is the Angel of Death.  If you've called upon him, you are asking to be brought to the land of the deceased.  Azrael is the lonliest Angel because no one ever calls up him.

    I believe what you have experienced is the "power of suggestion" believing that you would be drawing engeries from a demonic source, therefore manifesting the "symptoms" you've mentioned.

    Have a lovely rest of the day.  Bright Blessings.

  5. Blood Ritual? Wiccan Magic? Demonic energy? Sounds like something being written by rebellious Christian children without a clue as to what they're really talking about.

    In old Pagan religions pre-dating Christianity, Azazel is viewed and acknowledged as a physical and spiritual being. Azazel is a master of Spiritual Alchemy, Astrology and Constellations he is also highly adept in the arts of crafting jewellery and ornaments

  6. Not sure what your question is...?

    Are you looking to practice this

    particular ritual or for a way

    to stop it's effects?

  7. just to remind you , I'm an Anti-Demon , I spend most of my time with angels and good spirits ,

    watch out!

    P.S. I cast a spell on you ...

    I'm a Pagan/Witch

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