
Does the mermaid spell really work????

by  |  earlier

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i wanted to know if the mermaid spell worked because i did it and now i have itchy legs (1 of the side effects) dizztnes and a head ace and i feel like i need gallons and gallons of water help?!?!!?!?!




  1. ok i need to be a mermaid try this

    blood red pale skin monlight pull me in quench my thirsty coarsing vains let my body feel no pain

    say  it 10 times

  2. ok calm down i want to be a mermaid so bad 2 i watch h2o i have a spell that might work

    spell:  one drop is all it takes for me to change into a beautiful face sea creatures of the deep make me what into what i want to be a mermaid.

    say that 10 times

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