
Do you agree with economic choices of an independent Scotland

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Do you agree with economic choices of an independent Scotland

The debate on Scottish independence has filled sectoral reports , but rarely has there been such seemingly conflicting visions as this week . The Scottish Government published its vision Tuesday on " economic choices " of an independent Scotland . He concludes that independence offers "tremendous economic opportunities." But just 24 hours earlier, the respected independent British Institute for Fiscal Studies concluded that , from the point of view of sustainability of public finances , independence would require an adjustment of 0.8% of GDP in the UK and the 1.9 % in Scotland .

There are two ways of looking at independence in principle contradictory, but not necessarily have to be. Keep in mind that the Scottish Government , which is the same as saying that of independence Scottish National Party ( SNP , its acronym in English) , is primarily long-term policy . And the Institute for Fiscal Studies ( IFS ) is short-term technique .

Scottish Finance Minister , John Swinney , Scottish assured that each year it costs each 900 pounds ( 1,073 euros) Scotland 's membership of the United Kingdom. An amount extracted from the " significant missed opportunities in terms of growth , job creation and increased wealth" by the fact that Scotland is subject to the decisions of the whole United Kingdom in economic matters.

 Tags: agree, choices, economic, independent, Scotland


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