
Do i have bad luck?

by  |  earlier

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i am really accident-prone.

i have the most stupid accidents, i locked myself into the bathroom (by accident) three times today already, walked into a huge drill (wasn't switched on of course)

banged my head twice in a row after being warned about it,

burnt my hand cooking, fell off a hammock...

the list goes on haha :D

do you think i have bad luck?




  1. Interesting - and funny.

    Did you try to make daily affirmations (self talk) that you will have an "accident" free day? Do it with all certainty and confidence.

    Do you think that it's bad luck? You seem to have good humor about it. I personally find it more amusing than bad luck.

  2. aha i think so xD , but you sound giddy about it(;

  3. Indeed, you are having bad luck as many accidents happened to you today. You maybe tired or lost your concentration but this can be overcome.

  4. You may be cursed.  Have you ever crossed someone you think could have been a witch?


    Also, energy leeching causes clumsiness, soar throat, dizziness and night chills.  This happens when someone is sucking up your souls energy, usually for their own use in spells.  If they leech too much, you can lose the use of your legs, get blurred vision and if it keeps up, you could die.  If you're concerned someone may have casted a leech spell on you, send me a message and I can help you find out.

  5. Not to be offensive hilarious!!! XD

    Anyway, that depends, did you walk past a black cat, walk under a ladder, spill salt? If that's the case, get some good luck charms... ;)

  6. Not exactly bad luck...

    "If there are two or more ways to do something and one of these ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it" - Murphy's law

    and also remember:"Smile, tomorrow will be worse"-Murphy(again)
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