
im still really scared if someone can help my sick or pregnant mouse

by  |  earlier

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  1. if your mouse is pregnant the stomach will be big.... if it's sick it could have hiccups and a little cough or something...... or if they looked good a few days ago and their leg looks wrong.. or their hardly moving they r sick probably................. they could have zoonoses,viral,parasitic,bacterial,or miscellaneous.  look all these diseases up.....  that was some that are from a disease category.... here's some diseases affected by the body system,dermatologic, gastrointestinal, & respiratory. I hope this all helped.... i looked this all up. Hope you munchies is fine..... i also have mice too .... there so CUTE!!! :-)  :-0 ;-0 ;-) *wink* *wink* good luck!

  2. google,bing,yahoo,

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