
getting started in a speaking career

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  1.  Great speakers have touched the lives of millions of people throughout the history. In order to start in a speaking career you need to follow these steps to be successful:

    Evaluate your "special" message. Consider what you have to say that would be of interest to others. Your message must be connected to the needs and aspirations of your audience.

    Carve out your niche. Be able to articulate your unique experiences and show exactly how your message can benefit your listeners.

    Create an outline of your presentation. This will be used not only to provide a framework for your talk.

    Contact large, not-for-profit corporations and professional groups and make it clear you are available.

    Search for speaker bureaus on the Internet and let them know about yourself. Also make sure your marketing material is friendly.

    Write and publish articles, books, online journals, blogs in order to establish yourself as an authority in your subject.

    Always ask for feedback after every presentation even if you feel confident that you have presented well.

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