
Young Author Advice?

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I am only 12-years-old and everyone I've ever known has said that I write like a journalist and that I should get a book published. What do you think the chances are for me to get an agent from Writer's House? Do you think they'll think it's comical someone as young as I am is applying for an agent?




  1. uhm no, not if you're as good as you say you are. i wouldn't trust your family's critique though, if that's what you're going on. when i was like 9 everyone always told me i was an amazing writer, even teachers and i think i won an award or something. But looking back, i realize they meant i was good for my AGE, and i wasn't Vonnegut status or anything. now i'm fifteen and i can't believe how much i've improved, and i actually plan on becoming a novellist when i get out of college.

    my advice: if you truly are as good as you say you are, go for it. but remember that your work actually would have to be on par with the adults they have writing for them, especially because you're twelve.

    and if you find that you can use a little work, take the time to grow up. by the way, adolescence makes for some great plot material. trust me. ; D

    good luck!

  2. No not at all. Research as much as you can and get other people to read your stuff. Family and friends boost confidence but they may not be as critical as someone who dosen't know you. Its useful to get constructive critism from people like agents or other authors as in the long run it helps you to improve.

  3. Provided that your book is marketable and in good enough shape to sell, then your age isn't cause for laughter. If it's that good, it can even be a point in your favor.

    As for your chances, again, based on how good your book is, your chances are as good as anyone else's.

    As a minor, you need your legal guardian to take care of the contract.

    Agents earn their percentage after they sell your book. Good agents are worth their weight in gold.

  4. Hold on, before you go asking for an agent that might take much of the money you'll get from your novel you would need legal advice and someone to represent you like your dad.

  5. Anne Frank was 12 when she wrote her diary.

    Good Luck =D
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