
Would you believe the Queen of England was a auto mechanic at one time?

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Would you believe the Queen of England was a auto mechanic at one time?




  1. Guess it proves that not all rich people are or ever were useless like some jealous people enjoy claiming...

  2. Yes, during the Second World War.

    Every British school child knows that!

  3. When it is true? than some one should bring some kind of evidences with Photos etc.? Even so? than it is not a new thing?  Man and women are equal, only on those days it was difficult for women to exhibit their rights? where as, as ROYALS they had another kind of Right " TO RULE OTHERS" and at their costs to  live? and this tradition continues even to-day?

  4. Yes, as part of her training during WW2 she was required to learn auto mechanics so that she could repair military jeeps. You just never know about people, huh?

  5. yes, because she was trained as that, during WW2

  6. During world war 2.

  7. Yes, I'd believe Boy George worked on cars at one time.

  8. What did she work on, Model 'T''s?

  9. Yes, I did know that.  She was trained as one after volunteering for military service in the later years of World War 2.  She did not serve overseas for security reasons, but I believe she is the last WW2 veteran still serving as a head of state.

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