
Will mosquito dunks keep mosquitoes away at all, or are they just for the larvae?...bad carport skeeters!?

by  |  earlier

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there's not really standing water, but we have a lot of shade. i'm going to p/u some mosquito dunks from City Hall (they supply them for free)....but wondering if we can put them in some water and sit them on our carport to repel current mosquitoes, or if they will only do good on the larvae.




  1. It only kills the larvae for 30 days not the mosquitoes that are flying around.

  2. No these are only used in standing water to kill off the larvae.

    For the most part to keep mosquitos away, you still need to use a repellant.

  3. No they are for standing water with larvae already in it... or to keep larvae out of standing water (ie- pond, gutters, etc)

    I found a great spray for shady areas... you attach the spray bottle to your garden hose and spray the affected area or your entire yard. It will work for about a month and you'll have to do it again (depending how much rain you get during the month).. but it works great and will help solve the mosquito problem in your shady areas... Also proven to work is getting citronella candles (you will need more than one) light them and create a barrier with them aroudn where you are sitting etc.

    Another thing that helps is getting rid of overgrown bushes or weeds as grown mosquitos like to hang out in them during the day.

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