
Why when and if Russia used cluster bombs it is "bad", and when NATO bombed the hospital in Nis with cluster?

by Guest58566  |  earlier

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bombs it is "good"?




  1. Because Russia is evil. If it bombed with sugar stones it would still be evil.  

  2. By the way, it is Georgia who has used non-conventional weapons. Look:

    Both US and Russian media are lying. Thats obvious, as mass-media is a weapon too.

    Its difficult to expect any pro-Russian stuff from CNN, right?

    On the first day of fighting there was a nice movie by CNN. Featuring dark night and bright flares of starting missiles in the background of voice telling us about Russian invasion. Wait, it was only evening in Georgia and russians have joined war in the midday. It takes time to send the movie to some studio and prepare some breaking-news, at least an hour I'd say. And camera men should travel that to the front, Tskhinvali city is far from Georgian capital city of Tbilisi. So that couldn't be that night, this is previous night: August 07. And there were no russian forces in Georgia at that moment... So missiles are Georgian!

    Lets take a closer look on them. They're flying in the very fast rate. Axelerate, then rocket engine stops and disappears in the night. Do you know what this weapon is? It is 'Grad' soviet era indirect missile artillery designed to kill lots of infantry in the field. It is useless against tanks and strongpoints. And it is very inacurate... Warhead turns into numerous splinters on detonation effectively killing everyone around. And 'Grad' provides rain of such rockets. Rain of death.

    Do you imagine this? Without declaration of war, warnings et.c. in the middle of night, when people are sleeping at their homes someone bombards city with 'Grad'. This is not a police action against rebels, this attempt to kill as many of them (children, women, everyone) as possible and make others run in terror. That exactly happened. Saakashvili is a war criminal.

  3. Every nations are equal. But USA is "more equal".

    Where UN is hosting? In USA. It is the answer.

    Please, give a source when I can find approved facts about Russia's cluster bombing.

  4. Source please.  

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