
Why there is Irish american/african american/asian American /hispanic American ?is it arrogance?or what?

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is it discriminatory or what.

BTW i never here about any english american.does that mean only english americans thinks they are the only genuine american ?

Does this has something to with British rule in America?

I mean Barrack is black sure but by repeating he is African American candidate are people trying to make a stereo type?

BTW what American is BUSH?

BTW my question may seem like i am trying to make division but honestly thats is not my intention.I just want to know.

many thanks




  1. because of the history of discrimination against THEM...

    Irish americans were discriminated against (not given jobs, opportunity, etc) when they immigrated here.

    asian americans were jailed in internment camps and demonized.

    african americans were enslaved, killed, and separated from the rest of the population

    racism still occurs...

  2. If you have 1/8 or more of a particular minority bloodline in your genetic background, it is legal under US federal law to claim that minority as your own. Many people feel the need to personally identify with their ancestors, and will often use the *-American format to do so.

    This is most frequently true of Blacks of African decent, as the "PC Police" feel it is their duty to make certain no other forms of indication other than "African-American" are used to designate Black people in America. This erroneous, but very politically correct, attitude is ingrained to the point that even here in Yahoo Answers the word spelled n-e-g-r-o is automatically censored, even though it is a perfectly acceptable and proper word in any other forum.

    As for Barack Hussein Obama Junior, he is not legally able to refer to himself as Black because he is only 1/16 Black (one great-grandparent). He is 7/16 Arab and 1/2 (or 8/16) Caucasian. He is only referring to himself as an African-American because he knows that most Americans will not vote for an Arab. Also, referring to himself as an African-American leads the well-trained media to report that he is Black. He obviously feels he can not win without the vote of the Black community and misguided Liberals who don't know the difference between Blacks and Arabs.

    However, if he was honest he would simply refer to himself as "mixed-race" and leave it to the individual American to decipher, which would indicate he is above petty racial issues that single-race politicians (and voters) may subscribe to.

    "Bush" is a common name used by many Europeans. Though President Bush's name spelling is an English variant, I believe his genealogy is Teutonic (German / Dutch). However, his family has been Americans for many generations, so the matter is moot.

  3. they use the African American term with the o-man to gain votes.

    For some reason this country/the media is still stuck with the race card.

    By the way...I am a Scottish/English/Irish/French american! :)

  4. I have never understood 'heritage'. Personally, i don't really care that i'm half Italian, half Germany. And, I don't really think of myself as American.

    I am more interested in paying attention to how my genes came to be through the scientific fact of evolution. It's exciting to me to know i have a common ancestor with apes, and all animals with four limbs and a head have a common ancestor. Darwin showed all life is connected and it's a beautiful thing.  

  5. All Americans come from somewhere else. This is the only place in the world that doesn't have indigenous people. ( well, Indians, but we pretty much eradicated them). All white Americans come from Europe, all black Americans come from Africa. It is not discriminatory, it is just a way of identifying heritage.

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