
Why is government good at taxing us but s**+ t at using the revenue raised?

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Why is government good at taxing us but s**+ t at using the revenue raised?




  1. thats a very good question and  if i knew the answer i would probably work for the government i guess they are too busy trying to work out how they are going to claim it all as expenses

  2. because the British are totally submissive, and lack the balls to do any thing about it.

  3. A whole lot of reasons starting with pork spending and earmarks. The need to increase every budget every year and the way the different depts. spend every penny they get to make sure they get their raises the next year wether they need to spend it or not. Combine this with Union workers that cant be fired for anything short of murder that work about half the hours they are paid for at best while waiting to collect full pensions for their "efforts".

    If you want my source on the Union workers its my own eyes. I have seen 2 electricians making $40 an hour to change light bulbs. When they ran out of bulbs they hid in a storgae room for 2 days doing crossword puzzles because it wasnt their job to order bulbs or even tell they were out of them and one of them was the shop steward! I could go on days about them how many stories yah want?

  4. The government is proficient at levying taxation rather than "good".Whatever your politics most people can at least cope with tax (even if they don't like them) if there seems to some return for it.The UK governments problems is that fewer and fewer people can see where all the tax has gone and what permanent benefit it has produced.In spite of that New Labour are saying about their "achievements" since 1997 most people would struggle to agree that Britain is any "fairer" "equal" or "better".

    The answer to the second part of your question is that if you set your goals for raising taxes as fairness,more equality and generally making things better you will never get there.

  5. they use it for expenses silly,,,:)

  6. You asked why they are bad at using it. Are they? Because you may disagree with some type doesn't mean that other citizens who pay taxes as well, might disagree with you!

    Of course there'll be some waste in such a huge corporation.It's inevitable. In the end, we can bellyache all we want but we are in charge and if you don't like the way it's done, put your mouth where you money is and get involved in politics!

  7. Exactly! Government agencies turn into breeding grounds for corruption, patronage, and union power (votes).

    David D is correct. I worked for a summer at the County. Everyone is biding their time down there, and that was the social services office. A handful of dedicated people, and the rest along for the ride. I was scolded for working too hard. I do more work now in a day than they do in a month.

  8. Because they aren't held accountable.

  9. "Using" or "spending" the revenue?  The federal government is never at a loss for another agency or bureau at which to throw our money after it steals it.  Most politicians have never seen a problem they wouldn't throw our money at as long as it wasn't solved.  In fact, the federal government is so good at throwing our oney around, it throws around more than it takes in every year.

  10. Standard generic confidential federal awnser: "I can tell you, but then I'd have to kill you"

  11. Because the war failed...

  12. They are good at using the raised revenue.  They are not good at sharing the raised revenue.

  13. Because it is easier to spend money than to raise it-congress feels an obligation to spend,spend,spend in their constituent's districts in order to be popular and get reelected.  Remember that raising taxes has become so unpopular because of the ease of borrowing or deferring debt.Laws that attempt to reverse this trend have not fared well.As long as citizens demand more than what is necessary for their own districts without any consideration for the common good we will be plagued by excessive spending.

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