
Why do white people dislike black people?

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  1. Not all white people hate blacks...many of us wonder why the blacks are so mad at us...i didn't own slaves, I don't use racial slurs, I dont want to hold the brother down and blame him for all society problems...I just want to live my life and he /she can live theirs...
    its all about blame...both ways...with hatred building on differences...whites blame blacks for crime, blacks blame whites for their poverty....
    what will happen though...if ALL people cant put aside PETTY differences...this country will fall from the inside out. An invasion will not be necessary...
    EVERY race, or religion, or color or gender has been abused,enslaved, and repressed at some point in time....How about the native Americans?  They have almost been obliterated...

  2. Because for the most part they are disrespectful and think that they rank above whites. And it isn't black people. It's African Americans who ask this way. I know several black people from Africa, and even they dislike black people from the U.S.. If they would treat white people as equals most white people would reciprocate but I don't see this happening.

  3. It's not a very politically correct answer,but the fact is that enough blacks act like animals to effectively tarnish the image of all blacks.

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