
Why do saudi pharmacies sell condoms?

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Why do saudi pharmacies sell condoms?




  1. ......its part of making business is commonly bought by foreign workers here and pharmacies profit from them......more profit equals good business......

  2. because some people don't want to have so many children.

  3. Because it protects from sexually transmitted diseases and it is a form of birth control;-p

  4. because they are evolving,and not thinking that birth control is bad.

  5. becayse its considered to be a way of birth control !!!

  6. where do you want it to be sold? in supermarkets or on e-bay answer ur question, pharmacies sell it because they earn by selling and it is commerially viable them to sell.....u know na that pharmacies do business and condom is a product similar to any other product...hence wats the harm in selling?

  7. Ah, come on 14theteam.... surely you don't have the notion that condoms are only  for the sexually promiscuous?  We Saudi's are not as backwards as you think.. We use family planning and yes also condoms prevent STD's.. sometimes even chaste people will get a disease, for no reason of their own and condoms are for those couples that want to protect each other.. There are a number of good reasons to use them, along with other birth control devices the pharmacies sell...

  8. looooooool... as apposed to selling them in supermarkets? or in the general sense? :)


    saudis in general might seem like they love and sometimes plan on having as many kids as humanly possible...the truth is, no....not really (most saudi couples i know have maximum 4 kids...3 being the average).

    there are a few who are considered very strict in their interpretation of religion...based on that they do not approve on any birth control method because they believe that reproduction is what we're meant to increase Gods population on earth and keep the humanrace going...

    the rest of us don't we don't deny our natural right and duty to have kids (with Allahs will) but we do take precautions to "limit" or "pace" them...just like any other humans from any other nationality...we use every birth control method known...from the patch, pills, diaphrams and alll the way to the condoms...

    if you are trying to say that: since saudis (muslims actually) are not supposed to have s*x unless their married, why would they use condoms usually associated with single guys avoiding getting their girlfriend "knocked up" or to prevent STDs? then let me tell you that married men anywhere on the planet may actually use condoms simply because it's the method he and his wife agreed upon for whatever reason (sometimes the woman can't take the pill for medical reasons you know)...

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