
Why do ppl pl get DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK?

by Guest34356  |  earlier

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why do ppl get DRUNK DRUNK ??



which type of alcohol or beer

will get ppl ppl DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK

the fastest fastest ??








  1. because it's fun fun fun. beer is alcohol, so i am assuming you mean liquor. Liquor works faster since there is more alcohol by volume than beer.

  2. ..for the effect and making complete fools out of themselves. Taking shots are goood but it doesnt last very long. Drink some 40's.

  3. Its fun to get DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK.

    If your in a rush any sort of spirits will do the trick. I personally like double vodka and red bull when I'm playing catchup.

  4. Some people just dont know their limit

  5. I love this question.

    and people get drunk because it makes jesus seem closer...

  6. cause in this day and age everyone is dependent on something.  it can be anything from food, to love but mostly its alcohol!

  7. Vodka and red bull is a good way to get drunk fast. I recently was at a party and I wasn't even trying to get drunk and after having only 3 or 4 I was gone. I of course kept having more then but 4 did it.

  8. So that they can have fun yet little do they know its soo unnattractive. LOL.

  9. Alcohol stuns the potion of the brain which thinks tension, so it reveils tension for sometime.

  10. haha u make me laugh with your sporadic typing

    whatever has the highest percentage of alcohol per weight.

    hard liquorrrrrrrr

    shots shots shots

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