
Why do mandarin/chinese drink alot of tea?

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Why do mandarin/chinese drink alot of tea?




  1. The Chinese believe that it help you to live at least 100 years. This can be seen in the Mandarin character cha (tea). The groups of strokes represent numbers and these add up to over 100 (108, 102, or 122 I think). There are 3 types of tea fermented (black), half-fermented (flower), and non-fermented (green and the healthiest). There are many health benefits from tea (antioxidants). And it has a deep and rich history in China. It's not just a beverage there, it's part of the culture.

  2. thats what they do they got nothing else to do...

  3. it was accidentally created by a chinese man about to make soup. he was making soup under a tree when e went to find ingredients. when he came back the were tree leaves in his hot water. he drank it (it wasnt as powerful as nowadays, but he still liked it and started to sell it with different leaves.

  4. The Chinese have been drinking tea for centuries and mainly because they believe in the benefits of tea and it is a major crop in Asia.

  5. because it is part of their culture... and China is on of only 5 countries that produce tea in the world! It was discovered in China! Tea was a spice before it was a drink and when a chinese emperor was spicing his food some of the tea leaves got into some boiling water and he drank the water... it tasted good!!! Therefore we have tea as a drink now!!!

  6. Because they like the way it tastes! :)

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