
Why do Americans hate Europeans?

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We always hear about Brits hating on Americans, but there are a lot Americans who hate Europeans for very silly reasons, like having free health care in a lot of European countries. Apparently we are all socialists and communists according to some. What is the real reason Americans hate Europe?




  1. I think the americans have been fed brainwashing concepts since the time of birth that have sleazily become part of their very culture. Things they're thaught about themselves and the "not american world" are downright hypocritical,plain old propaganda and its the same concepts that the n**i-fascists our grampas would live by back in the days. theyve been living in their own reality and I hope the US drops fascist ideologies. In my opinion that's what's causing the rift, but I may be wrong or generalizing too much.

  2. I think Europe and America have a kind of forced relationship. Both nations can't do without eachother Europe needs the American economy and America the European one. Although every single white American is from European descent they are still different. Because their was a reason that they left their homeland and that was to live an other lifestyle then in Europe. While Europe tried to stay white and pure troughout history, Europe and especially right wing parties still try to keep that today while the Americans doing the opposit their country is overrun by immigrants. European see this as a bad thing Americans a good thing. Europe has a clear and glorious history with great scientist, artists, leading figures and where in the conquered the world and holded it for more then 300 years although that history has black pages like every nations history Europeans are still very proud that. One of the smallest continents on Planet earh accomplished such a fit. Americans who are only since world war 2 the new superpower claim to outrun Europe. Here is were some of the hate comes from, because both systems are the opposits of eachother America that is Capitalist on to the bone and Europe wo also has some socialist elements. Europe sometimes indeed think because they mastered the world that they have the perfect solutions for anything sometimes they have and sometimes not. But Americans always claim that a world without them is a world full of Communism and that Europe shouldn't nag to much and appreciate them for what the have done while it was that same continent their ancestors came from. Both nations have good working systems and hold the richest people of the Planet. But troughout history you will always see that their will be competition who is the best. I myself am a Dutch European to be exact and we believe in Liberty, Free market, Democracy but we also love our Royal House and appreciate our Monarchy and thats what Americans dont understand most of them only believe in full Republics and don't see that other systems are also capable of working. But in the end we have to work together to keep this fragile Planet together and preserve Human existance.

  3. Trust me the health care we dont mind; US hospitals are better because you get what you PAY FOR in the US and everything is not free (trust me Ive been in a French hospital); those of us that have had the misfortue of knowing you and living in your smelly, poor countries hate you because first, Europeans never want to take responsibility for their actions (had a nieghbor up all hours making a lot of noise on a friggin Wed Night/Thurs morning, I had to get up for Work- something the Europeans know nothing about from what Ive seen, and when confronted he tried to make these lame assed excuses and shift blame instead of growing a set of balls and just saying "oh Im sorry, my bad, I'll try to keep it down"; then you have the hygiene issues; Im sick of people getting up in my face or standing really close to me with underarm funk and rotten crotch smell and wanting to kiss (side cheek 4 times) with rancid friggin breath-NASTY; as if that wasnt enough you got grown friggin people here pushing little children down because they are in their way; ok since when do you put your hands on someone else's child (child is being good, minding his own business just walking in the grocery store and some European idiot knocks him down because he's in the idiot's way..GROW THE h**l UP EUROPE; then there is the fact that you cant drive; rushing intersections, running stop signs, doing crazy speeds and driving like youre on a friggin acid trip (we have mental institutions for people like you), then there is working for these a******s; wont get up off their lazy friggin asses, taking coffee and smoke breaks every 5 mins, then complaining when nothing gets done; meanwhile the American is busting their a*s (natuarally; thats why our country is so great because of HARD WORK; we're not like you just expecting everything to be handed to us for free), which brings me to my next point, you dont have to take everything thats free just because its free; have some pride, save some for people who may actually NEED what youre taking..For ex, if I dont NEED a free key chain I say no thanks (somebody may need one to put their keys on who knows?) I dont take 20 of them like Europeans do because, Duuuuhheee ooooh its free; fianlly there is the whole gender issue; European men, youre woman does not belong outside pumping gas in the rain while you sit in the car all nice warm like an 80 yr old grandmother, second, dress and act like a men (get your hands dirty now and then it wont kill you), and third put your asses to work and break a sweat; in other words grow a nut sack and get some testosterone injections please!!!! There are a plathora of other reasons but I covered the main issues; you stink, youre rude, youre inconciderate, and you abuse other people's children; whats not to love about you? Change your ways and maybe youll see us come around to you more; be people who are worthy of respect and you will be respected

  4. Everybody seems to hate everybody.

    I live in Texas and I know many many people... not a single one of them have claimed or given the impression that they hate any other countries or the people in them. But my only access with other countries is the internet and every single comment I hear are about how everyone hates the US. 

    I think it is all assumptions, I doubt the majority of Americans hold any animosity towards other countires and from my perspective, it feels that it is the rest of the world hates America and without good reason. 

    Its a real shame though there is way too much hate in the world without stuff like this.

  5. (american) I really don't hate europeans the only thing is the s****. ones who hate on us for what we do.America is like Europes younger sibling in a way, we borrow your stuff, we fight, but, UK and some other countries are selfish. on I saw swedens and other europeans saying that we sholdn't play it. but watching us just makes me think of what happened to the world? If  i'm correct we're all on the same planet but just very guys are our ancestral homes and you seem to hate us ever so much. I actually liked much of europe but I learned that you guys have no heart and that SOME of you just want to bully and make us hate you. I do see that america isn't to good but I don't hate anyone it's against my morals to even think that way. europes culture is beatiful and rich and some leaders don't see that BUT the pple do, and some want a chance

    on a side note: now tell me this europeans do all of you hate us or some

    also,sorry for the grammar just woke up and i'm in a hurry.


  6. becouse Americans are borderline retarded.. When I was in the USA on vacation, NO ONE knew what the capital of Canada is.. also, they dont speak any other languages

  7. Lol. Right. That totally explains the liberation of EUROPE  done by the Yanks. WW2 they kicked a*s all over the globe: Japan, Paris, Germany, etc.

    Also like to point out that the Korean and Vietnam war at least got them solid allies and places to occupy in the form of South Korea and Kuwait respectively.

  8. Americans hate anyone who is better than them.

  9. Because people are born with a sin nature, born to critisize. Always has been that way. An example, in America, there is many cultures, but lets go with the black and white scenario. Lots of hate there. White man made slaves of my relatives, treated them the way they did, and so on so we hate white folk. Here is the problem with that. Slavery has been around orever. In biblical times, people would sell themselves as a slave in order to have a way to support themselves and family. Then after X number of years, they were given their freedom, and debts were written off. And then movinf to last century which has been arounf forever, there are many shades of the black race, yet I have never actually seen a black human being, but I have seen many different shades of dark pigmented Africans, and even today, there is lots of hate between the different colors of the black culture, and one black color would make slaves of another. I mean, even when the white man made slaves of the blacks and brought them to america, they were simple being a slave to a lighter skin human, but were still slaves in Africa by other black people in Africa. I hate slavery. I hate bigotry. But if you look at that particular situation when white man made slaves of black man in American, in the long run, look where balck man stands today. Free, and not slaves by anyoe, besides the govrnment, the system,for we all are slaves form that point of view. SO, we have this nature to hate, criticize, and for the record, bigotry is just another form of critisizm. Nothing has ever changed. The answer is to make the world change for a while, yet in time, history will repeat itself, but for now, we can" CHOOSE" not to hate, today, for it is our nature we all are at battle with, and the hate, slavery, all of it, is simply just part of the core problem, our sin nature, our human nature, our nature to vovet and all the sins we are slaves to. If we all would be willing to grasp this truth, we would see the truth of it, yet there will always be someone to create a scenario where we can just repeat history. No laws will change people frm their human nature. We just have to get up, read the note on the bathroom mirror while brushing our teeth, and say, I will not critisize nor hate, today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. So ther e it is in a nutshell, for I would have to write a 400 page book to just cover much of the problem . And we should, everyday, TRY. but it will never happen for there will always be our nsture, and all we can do, is try, each day. All we can do, our we can let this just eat us uo inside out, and we can like ourselves for whatever reason we choose to believe or convince ourselves that we are cool, justified in our behavior. Look at the American Indian, they were conquered, just for we are what we are. The American Indian suffered horribly, yet you never hear about it often. Now why is that?

    Hate, negative ways, all writen in a book called the Bible tht gave us instructions on how to live together as a human race, but we don't resd it and when we do, we forget about it and go on about our ways, well, it is our nature. Just as it is our nature to some day destroy every living things on earth including man. It has been said, as long as there are 2 men on this planet, there will always be war. But we can chose not to be that way, today. And tomorrow, when it rolls around, we can choose not to be that way today, again. Thisis the weakness of the human race for we alwyas be what we are, and history will always repeat itself, until the time comes where we again, choose to mess up the world enough that there is nothing left. We are not capable of saving ourselves nor change ourselves, but we can only rely on the creator of all things, and HE did come to physically visit and we killed HIM too, for we are what we are.  There are no ture difference in colors, even if our skin pigmentsd are different, but we are all the same in our human and sin nature and are self destructive to the core. There are easy solutions to solve the whole worlds problems but we will never use thm, and why it that? What have I been saying the whole time? 


  10. With the expectation of Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Robinson Obama and US Diplomats that work for the US Department of States, I would feel embarrassed to take 90 percent of Americans to Europe or Canada.  I am a European living in the United States?  

  11. Europeans don't hate Americans, Americans hate everybody. They constructed an imperial evil country with idea of superiority. I have many Latino's friend that travel to Europe, they never say they come from United States because they don't want to be mistreated. In fact, in Spain the Americans are treat like dogs, they have some graffiti in Universities that say, "Go back home Yankees, you're not welcome". That's really sad. They should change their attitude, so others can respect them. The only people who worship Americans are Philippines because they feel worthless or inferior.

  12. When do much people finally learn that there are arrogant, stupid, s****., etc. people in every country on our planet and that it doesn't matter where you live or come from.

  13. Simple, most of us poor Americans are brainwashed by the government and media and are told to hate Europe, because our simple, hateful minds are run by the government and the media, which is run by rich people. If we could think for ourselves we would've had a revolution by now.

  14. We hate Europeans because you're arrogant, stuck up, but yet you know and we know that you all can't do anything.  You stick your nose up at us and take every d**n chance possible to try and humiliate us.  I've been to Europe twice and to Guatemala and every single one of you cannot wait to say "The Euro is winning against you."  Great, so what?  I'm on vacation... Why the h**l do you as a continent want to rub that in our faces?  We bailed you out after World War II.   You say that we are a war-mongering nation h**l bent on oil.  We avoided World War II because we didn't want to get involved... we remembered what had happened as soon as we got involved in WWI in 1917.  Also, Europe you had the chance to prove your stuff.  You could have taken on Hitler and stopped him.... But thank you France and England, you totally dropped the ball on that one and let Hitler steamroll across Europe.  Instead of going in and taking action you just had a little "intervention" session where you gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler.  Sort of... if you promise to be good, we'll give you this much.  Great job.  After it was over, The Soviet Union was ready to come in and take you all over... We held them off.  And we went eye ball to eye ball with them throughout the cold war.  Also, keep in mind that alot of the little wars we have been fighting around the world since the 1950's came as result of your meddling during 19th century... you know the "Age of Imperialism."  Thanks to you going in and conquering the peoples of Asia, Africa, Central and S. America, and the Middle East, taxing them, stealing their natural resources and making them practically slaves YOU ignited many of the revolutions and wars that took place after you had lost your grip.  And your meddling in their politics afterwards during the '50's and '60's... (France in Vietnam, Belgium in Africa, etc.) only helped to make matters worse.  To put things in perspective, if the world is a High School... Then Europe is almost like the group of primped, prissy, know it all kids, who talk trash about each other and everyone else, but as soon as it's time to get in a fight you avoid it or come running to the big kids with whom you're some what still cool with.

  15. Why do Americans hate Europeans? Cause the fuckers don't tip. Nuff said.

  16. And another thing, before you go off and claim that you are slowly getting better than us, realize this; if we kept everything that is ours to ourselves, you would kill yourself from boredom. The hats you wear, the design of your clothes, so on and so forth. Look at all those swedish p****y websites and how they are full to the brim with American media. Now imagine if they were completely empty.
    Again, watch your mouth, and leave your opinions at home. America isn't going anywhere.

  17. Europe is s****. and arrogant. Some people in America are arrogant and annoying, but everyone in Europe is arrogant and annoying. Many European countries have a poor civil rights record but then they hide behind the fact that they have health care and don't fight in many wars. Meanwhile when Hitler came around only the UK put up much of a fight while the rest of them bent over backwards and praised the American soldiers when they finally came walking through the streets. Then once we left they took a complete 180 and talked about how evil and ambitious we are. Meanwhile we are the ones that spilled our blood while the UN sits in New York City and continuously tries to tell the rest of the world what to do at the EU's behest. It's infuriating to be perfectly honest. We try not to be xenophobic but then you guys go off and start acting like complete jerkoffs as if your countries are absolutely perfect but that is so far from the truth it's ridiculous. Some of us may act like robotic corporate drones, but our freedom gives us the option to do some good with our lives while most of the time Europe sits there bored enough to act as arrogant and s****. as it always does, and the truth is that they are being used like some of our people are being used, yet they are being used utterly and entirely. They feed in to the lie that they are in any way different than the rest of us when they just sit there riding on our coat tails annually. There are a lot of things I like about Europe but I really can't stand European arrogance. It goes way too far and any time we try to communicate this always comes to the forefront of the discussion at no fault of our own. You guys just can't wait to stab us in the back at the first opportunity. Meanwhile the reality of it is that the things you should hate make you just as ignorant as those that are ignorant here in America, because the corporations that control our government are mostly international. Even McDonalds isn't exactly an American company being that it has franchises all across the world, even in China. But I guarantee if we started acting like you and kicked you out of New York City, your tone would change real quick. That might happen regardless if you guys don't shape up. Americans are polite for a long time but once you cross the line there is no turning back. Kick a dog and then see if it will ever trust you again; it's not going to happen. You would all be Russian if not for us and Russia has reminded you of that many times over, every time it arms it's nukes or flies a bomber over Canada just to prove a point. And yet that limitless arrogance causes you not to care even slightly. All we ask is for respect. But for a lot of us you have already crossed that line.
    Yes, I hate you. No, I am not a Republican. You brought this on yourselves.
    Watch your mouth.

  18. Please dont come to the United States. Stay in your own country.

  19. It is because the car chases scenes that take place in Europe are way better than the ones that take place in America.

  20. First of all, I do hate Europeans.  But I have some problems with many of them.

    I am an American.  My ancestors were from Ireland.  I love Ireland.  Its people.  Its culture.  Its land.  Many Europeans, including many of my Irish cousins, put me down just because I claim to have a bond with Ireland.  Why?? It is MY RIGHT to be proud of where my ancestors are from.  And its not like I make such a big deal about it, in fact, you'd never find out about it unless you asked me where my ancestors were from, and when you fickle Europeans ask me that, you get all bent out of shape and angry with me just because I tell you about my bond with the "old country".  I KNOW I AM AMERICAN.  But just because I am an American, doesn't mean I have to buy into every bit of corporate culture here, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, Nintendo video games (although that is Japanese) etc, DO NOT DEFINE WHO I AM.  Nor do any of your bullshit stereotypical views of Americans or American "culture".

    Also I really dislike how my "nationality" seems to define my political associations.  Do you know that there are more than just Republicans and Democrats here?  There are ALL KINDS of political opinions and groups in this country we call the "United States".  There are communists, socialists, pacifists, libertarians, social-democrats, fascists, anarchists, environmentalists, etc, ALL KINDS.  And with EVERY WAR this country has, there are ALWAYS people who are against it!  And I am ALWAYS one of them!  Since I have not, in my lifetime, seen a war that the U.S.A. has been involved in that I felt was just.

    So really, and I know that many of my American friends are guilty of this, I HATE how many of you Europeans tend to put all of us Americans in a box.  "You are an American, so you must be [insert label here]."  That is BULLSHIT.  

    Learn to put your stereotype views of you behind you and approach us and talk to us without all of your bullshit assumptions, and maybe you may find less hostility between Americans and Europeans.  Also, learn how to use the world "American" in a manner that does not entail that it is an INSULT to be one!  I am not even incredibly proud to be an American, in fact, I view myself as a citizen of God's universe!  But this all of this anti-American jokes and biases and stereotypes that many Europeans hold of us REALLY GETS ON MY NERVES.

    In other words, very few people here hate you.  I certainly don't.  Just get a grip and give us a chance.

  21. I'm European, and I love I hope that Americans don't hate us.

  22. Americans don't hate Europeans... I mean some do, but there just silly. I think it's probably a minority. After speaking to Americans I notice that they are just like us but with different accents (I'm from UK by the way). I've never received any abuse of an American person for solely being European and America and Europe have good international relations. A lot of the white population in U.S.A will be decended from European people who wanted a fresh start or to escape Witch Hunts and wars with the Turks or Russians.
    So yeah from my experience Americans don't hate Europeans.

  23. I am a fairly educated american, age 18.  I will admit that i am not average but il try to relate to those around me.  Most common american people don't hate europe for political or economic reasons.  It is the fact that when a person. Goes on a popular website( youtube,  etc.). We consistently see people posting things like" stupid americans" and other hate speech.  For me ,  this gets me upset and is actually what brought me here.  Most americans want to eat chinese food,  sit with our friends and watch house. Iraq, vietnam,  these arent our doing.  The gov't no longer listens to us or possibly we arent educated on how to change things anymore.  
    There areno leaders in america right now and we are all just worried.  Sitting back and watching the news,  reading those posts and watching the economy fall,  we are just holding our breath.  No one sits around going " f**k the brits" or " i want canadian health care".  Most people just want to get through the day.  
    I love america and what it is supposed to stand for.  Freedom.  Change.
    Our leaders is our problem.  And europeans cant talk cus they have similar problems.  
    America needs a pep talk and some domestic reform.  Stop being so one sided.  
    Patriotic American

  24. I hope people don't classify Canadians as Americans. Thats all I've got to say about that.

  25. I hope the Europeans don't hate us. We have not done anything wrong that i know of. We do not think we are better then other countries!I don't have no idea why most eurpeans call us bullies. People that are talking s**t about Amercians, EVERY ONE IS DIFFERNT HERE! Not every one is the same here!I agree with Guest5568.We are tired of most eurpeans being asses and rude to us. Stop acting like a kid and grow up!

  26. i think because that europeains kill the americans or a war beczause the state took over the world but couldnt sucseed then the americans thought it was wrong and talked to one and thet started a righit

  27. This question is a crock...

    Listen and I think most reasonable minds will agree.

    This is complete stereotyping.  How can you judge an entire nation at once?  No one (I repeat no-one) has the right to judge a group or for that matter, speak for a group.  This is one of the first few lessons children learn in grade school - do not stereotype because its dangerous and also "speak for yourself" - meaning no one person in america or europe can say "we" hate so and so for this or that only have 1 opinion whether you like it or not and this is all god gave you.

  28. I think americans hate the "stereotype" of europeans and not actually the individuals themselves.  Meaning - arrogant, quirky, under-fed, high self esteem based on nothing, smelly, etc.  At least this is what we hear from the vacationers lol!! (joke).  Obviously, no matter where you go, everyone is an individual anyhow - stereotypes are nooooo good lol.

    Seriously though - I think its because of severe cultural differences that have been internalized by individuals on both sides - quite a few europeans aren't too fond of americans either.  Its important to be careful here too - you can't judge an individual by their countries' culture because people are separate from their environment. Judging mass poplulations (out of fear or for whatever reason) using generalizations and then applying that to each individual you meet is called STEREOTYPING.  Isn't this what europeans, asians, and whoever also do when they see american culture thru media sources and then think "stupid american"'s the culture NOT the individuals.

  29. We hate  you  because you're stinky, whining, crybaby, sissies who continually get yourselves into trouble then expect us to shed good, honest American blood bailing you out.  Anyway, that's why I hate you.

  30. It needs powerful America to tell the world what to do.

  31. Does anyone like anyone? Do Brits care much for the continental Europeans and the EU,or vice versa? Are the old sores between the Brits and French still oozing even after their countless competive wars against each other? Of course they are, to a degree. How about Eastern Europe and Western Europe? Are they all buddy-buddy as us yanks say? Of course not. Every nation has its irrational stereotypes and prejudices.

    The complaints I have on elements of European culture and government are analgous to my issues with my own country's culture and government.

  32. This is way more exaggerated than reality.  I haven't met many Americans who talk s**t on French.  Maybe one or two.  I don't hate em.  I live in America and I don't hear much s**t talking about other countries here.  Every now and then you get an old hick talking about Iraq etc, but I see more America bashing on any European forum than i see Americans bashing all other countries combined in my whole life.  The freedom fries thing was a Bush invention.  Americans didn't care about it.  We even made fun of it.  We don't call them freedom fries unless we're joking.   Yes, some don't like your health care, and it is closer to socialism than a government where the health care isn't free.  It's just a fact, not an insult.  I would rather our health care be like that, and so would a lot of Americans.  Fear of other types of governments is widespread in the older 40 and up generation, but younger people want Canada's government, for instance.

  33. This is way more exaggerated than reality.  I haven't met many Americans who talk s**t on French.  Maybe one or two.  I don't hate em.  I live in America and I don't hear much s**t talking about other countries here.  Every now and then you get an old hick talking about Iraq etc, but I see more America bashing on any European forum than i see Americans bashing all other countries combined in my whole life.  The freedom fries thing was a Bush invention.  Americans didn't care about it.  We even made fun of it.  We don't call them freedom fries unless we're joking.   Yes, some don't like your health care, and it is closer to socialism than a government where the health care isn't free.  It's just a fact, not an insult.  I would rather our health care be like that, and so would a lot of Americans.  Fear of other types of governments is widespread in the older 40 and up generation, but younger people want Canada's government, for instance.

  34. Americans hate everyone; either you are with them or against them and even when you are with them, when they don't need you anymore you are against them. look at Canada, always supported america but soft lumber industry in canada is suffering because the big brother did not get what they wanted.  

    They hate brits and everyone else around because brits have royals that they can be proud of. American royals consist of Modanna, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears,and that Kardashian chick. As you can see. Less than stellar icons. it's not hate but jealousy and without any shame.

  35. I'm an american and I hate Europeans.  I hate the countries, the people, and most of all the corrupt leadership.  The great fear in America is the possiblity that someday European leadership may in fact influence American leadership.  That will be the second revolution.  I the meantime I hate Europe because it refuses to take any form of responsibility for any conflict it creates.

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