
Why did Ponyboy tell himself not to think not to remember in the book outsiders?

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  1. stfu ^


    it's because Pony cannot handle the fact that Johnny is dead .

  2. because it hurtz alot wen u lose somebodi and they were all each other had and in 1 nite it goz from hvin 7 boiz 2 onli 5 and each waz a crucial part of tha group and 2 of the onli friends he had so he tried not 2 think about it. and Pony and Johnny were rele close and no mttr how much he didnt lyk wat Dally did, Dally loved tha boiz and wulda done anithing 4 them and so it hurt him and jus acting lyk they werent dead meant that he wuldnt hv 2 face tha truth that they rele were dead

  3. because he eats p**p

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