
Why are we as normal people judge others like the Democratic Candidates and the Republican Candidates?

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How can we judge and say things about people we have never met or really doesn't know anything about? Really we're well most of us are just following our family history and choosing the party we want to be a part of. But why judge or say bad or stupid things about the other person running against your party and you don't even know if what your saying is true. Just following what you heard from another hater...




  1. What are you talking about? Judging whom? If someone wants to run our country, you better believe we have the right to find out every single detail about this person and that includes their dirty laundry! This is our future we are talking about and we have already suffered enough!

  2. There is no one "normal" on these forums.

  3. We are looking to hire someone to work for us.  We have every right to judge the job candidates.

  4. Because modern politics is a popularity contest with little notice of anything other than stage appeal.  The primaries are no longer about  who people feel is the best candidate that best represents their views, but are more like sports betting, where people pick the candidate they feel has the best chance of winning against the other side.  

    Once that stage is finished, having a typical, modern candidate with wishy-washy, popularity driven viewpoints, and rhetorical answers to any direct questions, there is nothing really to campaign for, so the campaign becomes a campaign "against".  Its all about who you dont want to see in office, rather than who you would really like to see in office, because the candidate you really wanted to see in office was wiped out in the earliest stages because of lack of "electable" qualities, which determined the voting in the primaries.

    That is why mudslinging and digging up dirt on the other candidate has become the most crucial part of any modern campaign.   So the whole selling point of any candidate becomes why the other candidate is so terrible, so you must vote for the alternative.  This is why America desperately needs a major third party to arise.

  5. You and I, my friend, are born with this duty and take it as privilege all too often. Now, the name-calling is pointless, of course. And the focus on the Executive - for which we have no direct vote - gets old in a hurry.

    But you make a valid point which I'd like to apply my own spin on:

    Why are we, the Citizenry, bickering amongst ourselves on emotionally-charged issues, pretending to side with people we don't know and whose only attraction to us is a distinction that long ago became blurred in party 'same-ness', when we could and should return to the bulwarks our Liberties were built on?

    --People are right; Government serves us

    --We must be united as the Citizenry

    --Siding with any facet of governance is planting seeds of dictatorship

    --That government governs best which governs least


  6. Your statement is not true for everyone. I come from a family that has different points of view on lots of issues. My mother taught us to think for ourselves, to follow our own heart and mind.I have Democrats, Republicans, and Independents in my immediate family. We have debates, and discuss issues, all of the time. We also love and respect each other unconditionally. I've taught my children the same values.

    Each person must make their own choices and decisions, and then accept the outcome, whether it's good or bad.

    My choice is McCain/Palin 2008

  7. lmfao so true dude.

    again this horse has been beaten to death.....people would rather insult each other than research and make informed decisions.....the elections have turned into a f*cking reality tv series..only worse....its for real.

    people are hopelessly stupid......i say let all the sheep kill each other for a meal they cant digest. imma move to an island by  myself.

  8. We do have every right to be judging the candidates...I mean one of them will be running our country.  However, I don't believe we should be judging them on stupid little things, like the fact that they are black.  We need to be thinking about the issues we all care about, such as taxes, education, the war in iraq, health care, etc.  We shouldn't judge based on race, gender, religion, or their past in college (we have all done stupid things in the past).  Everyone makes mistakes.  How else would we learn to make the right decisions.

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