
Why am i like this, its effecting my life

by  |  earlier

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well first off ile like to say i have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (untreated) and possibly could have Social Anxiety/OCD, anyway my problem is i always think people are judging/going to try embarres me so i stop my self from doing things i enjoy, my heart pumps whenever someone starts talking to me in a angry voice, because i think they are going to attack me and i am going to not fight back and look like a idiot, if i see a group of people walking down the street my first thoughts are 'i better not go near them, they could attack me they could be dangerous' i freeze if someone says something to me ina angry serious voice, i stop and kind of freeze and think 'what should i say, if i say this ile look like im not scared, but if i say that they might attack me' and so on, i know im bigger/stronger then alot of people, but for some reason i freee, get scared and dont know what to say/do to people if they say/do something to make me angry, i feel nervous when a group of people are talking to me cause i think there gonna ask me questions about stuff i havent done and ile look like a idiot, i dont retaliate to people when they make me angry cause i think 'they will jsut keep doing it longer' but anyway what is WRONG with me? is it GAD/SA/OCD that is doing this, or just me/my personality? i need help......i cant live like this.




  1. The best thing you can do is see a councilor or a psychiatrist. They can help you overcome this.

  2. Sounds like merely a little social paranoia possibly brought on by past situations.  See a counselor.  Your problem might be easily worked out.

  3. sounds like anxiety. you should try to get on medications. I have panic attacks every once in a while and only 1/4 mill of zanax helps me.

  4. Sounds to me like Social Anxiety.  You should try Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  If you can find a place that does a group session for people with social phobia / anxiety that could really help.

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